Monday, June 2, 2014

A Trip to Georgia

The last week in March, my brother-in-law, Ben called me to thank us for his birthday present. While I was talking to him he casually asked if I had ever been to Georgia. No. He then told me, ‘You should come to Georgia.’ I laughed, and the conversation continued. A few minutes later he said it again. At that point, he asked me if I would like to come to Georgia in April for Kristen’s birthday. I was in shock! Of course I wanted to come. That night I talked to Stephen about it. When talking to Stephen about the trip I quickly realized that Ben and I had never talked about Piper going with me. Stephen told me I needed to work out the details with Ben.

The next day I called Ben. I was so nervous. I called him up and I was sweating like crazy. When I asked if he planned on Piper coming, he laughed and told me of course he was planning on her coming! Yep, I felt like an idiot! I was so excited. I was going to Georgia to see my sister!!!!

The afternoon of my flight to Atlanta, Stephen took me to the airport. I was worried about trying to get the stroller, car seat, diaper bag, and Piper on the airplane all by myself. I definitely had an armful! Thank goodness Stephen walked me into the airport and helped me to the ticket counter.

After Stephen left, the fiasco with security began. I walked through the metal detector with Piper in my arms. Because of this, they wanted to wipe my hands. A TSA worker had me leave all my stuff on the conveyor belt and walk over to a machine. She wiped my hands, and did her little test. The machine flashed and told her I had explosives on my hands!! She asked what I had on my hands. I had no idea. Next all our belongings had to be searched, wiped down, and tested for explosives. During this I wanted to explain that I am a stay at home mom. Heck, I don’t even own a gun!! How in the world could I have explosives on my hands. After everything, I had to be patted down all the while Piper is screaming her head off.

We finally left security just in time to hear that our plane was in its final boarding. I ran like a wild woman with the car seat, diaper bag, and Piper in her stroller. I arrived just in time and on the verge of tears. I was stressed out, tired, and ready be on that plane. Thank goodness a sweet lady saw I desperately needed help and jumped in.

On the way, I sat between two ladies who couldn’t be more different. One was super friendly and even asked to hold Piper at one point. The other didn’t even want Piper to touch her. She was practically sitting on the edge of her seat in the isle. I am so grateful for the people that helped me on that flight. I couldn’t have made the 2 hour flight without help.

Ben was there to pick me up at the airport in Atlanta. When we arrived at their apartment, Kristen and the kids had no idea we were coming. We set up Piper in her stroller outside their door, Ben knocked, and we ran to hid in the bushes. I loved seeing their reaction!! I felt like a little schoolgirl laughing in the bushes. They had no idea who the baby was and at one point Kristen asked Piper, “Who are you? Are you Piper?” It was so good to see Kristen, Ben, Reese, Benson, and Tanner. We had so much fun spending time with them.

Unfortunately, Piper was grouchy most of the time we were there. Her top two teeth were starting to come in. I sure hate those darn teeth! They make her so ornery and whiney. It was so fun seeing Benson and Reese interact with Piper. Benson wanted nothing to do with Piper when we first arrived. He walked around calling her a ‘he.’ At one point, he even called her ‘Steve.’ She definitely looks enough like Stephen to be dubbed Steve!

Piper was in love with all the toys in Benson and Reese’s bedroom. There were so many different toys for her to play with. She would crawl into their bedroom and go from one toy to the next. One of her favorite toys was the kitchen with all the pots and pans she could bang together. Piper is overly sensitive to noises, to the point of  being ridiculous. Anytime she needed a break from all the loud noises, Benson and Reese’s bedroom was the place to go.

We didn’t venture out too much while we were there. With 4 little kids constantly taking naps it was hard to get out. I had so much fun just chatting with Kristen. I loved having someone around to constantly talk to. I loved their apartment complex! While there we took lots of walks and played outside on the swings.

I think Stephen missed us a little while we were away. The first day he enjoyed being able to do whatever he wanted, but it quickly got old. Thank goodness for cell phones. We even got to facetime with him early one morning. I think he mostly missed his little girl. 

The day before we left, we went bowling. I haven’t been bowling in ages and had so much fun. I started out doing well but my good streak starting going downhill quickly. Good thing the game ended when it did, otherwise I might have lost!

I sure am glad Kristen had a birthday so I could go to Georgia. I couldn’t ask for a better older sister. She does so much for her little family and is such an example to me. I am so glad Ben called and asked if I wanted to come visit Georgia. It was the best trip ever. Being in Georgia made me realize all the things Stephen does to help me. Taking care of Piper by myself all week was a lot of work and made me appreciate him more.

The plane ride back to Dallas was a long one. Piper and I were both tired and ready to be done flying. We were sad to leave our family in Georgia. The minute we walked in the door, I immediately remembered how lonely it was again in our little, quiet apartment. There were no rambunctious 4 and 2 year old playing, no sweet little baby who willingly smiles, and no sister to constantly talk to. I am so grateful for my family and for letting us spend a week with them. We had so much fun with you!!!


Ben and Kristen Call said...

So glad you could come and visit. We LOVED having you!

Jen Gull said...

Haha I can't believe you had explosives on your hands. Geez chelle