Monday, June 16, 2014

Our Utah Summer Trip

Our trip to Utah started super early in the morning. Stephen and I usually catch the early morning flights since they're cheaper but having Piper it makes it a little harder. I always feel bad for waking her up early in the morning. Considering she woke up at 3:45 a.m., she did well on the flight.  She slept for a bit in my lap while the white noise from the engines lulled her to sleep.

The night before our trip I asked Stephen if we should dress her in pants or shorts. He chose shorts since it's easier to pull them off to change her diaper. Apparently we should have consulted Utah's weather. The view from the plane while flying to Utah scared us a little. Snow in May?

Thank goodness Utah's weather wasn't quite as bad as snow. It was only raining cats and dogs and 50 degrees. Nothing these Texans couldn't handle! Talk about a major weather change from our 85+ degree weather in Texas.

Despite being woke up during the middle of the night and taking a 2 hour flight, Piper was set on explore mode. There was too much to see and touch to sleep! Arriving at my parents house, I realized how un-baby proofed it was. Piper wanted to touch all the breakables and rip the books and piano music to pieces. At one point she found a tree and pulled it on top of herself. I knew she was somewhere in the tree but I couldn't find her. After hours of exploring and trying multiple times to put her to sleep, Stephen finally convinced her to take a nap.

This girl is a tummy sleeper. The second she's set in her crib she rolls right over on her stomach. After we all caught a few z's, we watched my nephew, Corbin play baseball. I forgot how much I enjoy watching my family play sports. We finally met up at the ball park with all of my family. Piper had to woken up from her nap so we didn't miss the whole game. She didn't like that one bit! The moment she saw my mom she screamed. Anytime my mom looked at her, she screamed. Thank goodness it wasn't like this the whole week. Eventually they became friends.  

I love my parents backyard! I wish I could have a backyard just like theirs. There are giant cottonwood trees which means the backyard is always in shade. It was so nice to walk right outside the door and be able to play in the grass, jump on the trampoline, and swing. Not to mention, they're grass is unbelievably soft. I hate Texas grass! It's prickly, mean, and usually full of weeds.

One year for Christmas, Santa brought Jared a Little Tikes cozy coupe. To this day, that little coupe is still sitting around the house waiting for someone to play with it. Piper loved that little car. She acted like she was steering it and tried honking the horn. That girl was in love with that cherry red car!

On Memorial day, we had our annual family breakfast at Golden Corral. I haven't been around for this tradition for several years so it was fun to join in again. It was so great to see all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. After, we headed to the cemetery to put flowers on the graves. 

Growing up, I remember having the worst allergies every single Memorial Day. Going to the cemetery I was always miserable. This year instead of allergies, I caught Jared's nasty cold + allergies. Before heading to Utah I started taking allergy medicine because I was determined not to have allergies on Memorial Day. That was wishful thinking!!

While in Utah we celebrated lots of birthdays. It was my Grandma and Mom's birthday which meant my little sister had to drive me around to take me birthday shopping. I never thought I'd see the day when she would be driving me around town.

I love going shopping with Kaylee except she takes you and makes you want to by things you don't need. I ended up walking out of the bookstore with several things I hadn't planned on buying.
During the week we got together lots to celebrate, eat lots of yummy food, and cake.

There were lots of people to help us take care of Piper. She loved all the different faces and people she got to see.  Even my brother Derek helped out. Although I think he mostly enjoyed teasing her and stealing her snacks. Wait, I think everyone enjoyed her snacks. 

On Wednesday Jared graduated from high school. Instead of holding the graduation at UVU like all the other schools, Salem has their graduation on their football field. Which means you get to enjoy sitting on the metal bleachers while your skin bakes for a couple hours.

I was worried our little albino baby would fry while we sat there. We lathered her up in sunblock, grabbed an umbrella, put her hat on, and we were ready to go.

I thought Piper was going to be awful sitting outside in the hot sun. Surprisingly, she did really well. Luckily for all of us, the clouds decided to come out every so often and cover the sun.

By the time graduation was over and pictures being taken, Piper decided she was tired and sweaty. Just then, Derek pulled out his sunglasses for her to try on. He called this 'Her seductive face.'

Recently, whenever you take Piper's picture she has to see it. She gets the biggest grin on her face as she looks at pictures of herself.

When I was in Georgia visiting Ben and Kristen we played my favorite game, Sequence. Ever since then, I've wanted to play this game again. While in Utah, we whipped that game out and played several hands. Stephen and I made quite the team. We didn't do too bad, in fact, maybe I'll let him be on my team again.

The night before we left, Jen and Andy brought over their Xbox to play Disney Infinity. I love playing this game with someone else besides Stephen. He is way too good at all the games and I can never win. It was nice playing against Jen since she occasionally let me win. At one point our game party turned into a sleeping party.

Our trip to Utah was much to short for all of us. The day before we left, Stephen thought we had several days before going home. We had such a fun time in Utah. We love going home to visit our family. I sure wish they didn't live so far away so we could see them more often.

The plane ride home was a long one. Piper took a short nap and then she was ready to get up and play. I'm beginning to dislike plane rides more and more with her. Your small, confined space turns minuscule when you add a baby. 

The nice stewardess gave us lots of yummy cookies to share with our child. As a reward for her niceness Piper spilled Sprite all over herself and the chairs. I was so glad Stephen was there to help me. We were sure happy to get off that plane and be back home in Texas!

1 comment:

Jen Gull said...

Come back and visit already would ya? It was so fun having you guys here! It wasn't long enough.