Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Our 15 Month Baby/Toddler

Miss Piper is 15 months old. When did that happen?  My baby girl is no longer a baby but turning into a toddler which makes me sad. I miss those days of cuddling her in my arms and when I left her in one place I knew I could come back and she'd still be there. Those days are long gone! Little Piper is a full grown mover, kicker, dancer, reader, picky eater, tantrum-crying toddler.

I can't believe how much Piper has changed from early this spring to September. Lately people have been telling me how me she has changed and how her hair has grown a ton. I can't see it until I look back at old pictures.

While waiting for her 15 month doctor appointment, Piper could not hold still. We were somewhere new and she HAD to explore every inch of that place! Miss P is very curious about everything and has to touch everything. Stephen says we should have named her George.

Every time we go to the doctor, Piper's head is measured over and over to make sure the nurses measured it correctly. Since her one year old appointment, Piper's head has grown a centimeter. Her doctor says we can hold off on the MRI for now since Piper is on track developmentally. The minute Piper falls behind though, she'll be scheduled for a MRI.

Weight: 22 pounds 1 ounce
Height: 30 3/4 inches
Head: 49.5 centimeters

Our little miss is growing like a ragweed. Last week, her belly started hanging out of her 12 month old shirts which is not okay with me. Stephen, however, doesn't see a problem with this. Over the last couple months her hair has taken off. It's still thin but is becoming curly. The only way to control it is with hair mousse.

We are still feeding Piper pureed baby food at mealtime. I've decided this girl is going to be eating pureed food till the day she dies! We've struggled with getting her to eat solid foods on her own. She'll eat food off our plates but won't eat it when its put on her tray. This isn't the case with her gold fish, crackers, and snacks though. We have a very stubborn girl on our hands!

Piper is still an early riser and wakes up about 6 a.m. every morning. We think its a pretty special treat if she sleeps even 15 minutes later.  She enjoys her bottle of milk and some good cartoons (aka Signing Time, Baby Einstein, or Curious George) in the morning.

Miss P now takes one 2-3 hour nap during the day and can even fall asleep all on her own! I never thought I'd see this happen. However, night time is a different story. She's not ready to give up her bottle and cuddling time with her dad. That's okay though. We're all about taking baby steps.

During the last 3 months, Piper's two bottom molars came in. While brushing her teeth one day, we were surprised to find two brand spankin' new teeth in her mouth.

Thankfully we have moved past the stage of biting other people. For weeks, whenever I held her she would bite me on the shoulder. Apparently Piper doesn't like the way Stephen tastes because he never got bit. Lucky boy! Unfortunately, the no biting policy doesn't apply to Piper. She bites herself on the hands several times a day and leaves huge bruises and bite marks. Stephen and Piper have had many discussions about biting herself. Sometimes I don't think she understand a word we're saying and other times she knows exactly what we're talking about.

Its amazing how Piper's vocabulary has suddenly taken off. On Sunday when she woke up she had learned 3 new words: whoa, hey, and song. Some of her other new words include: Esus (Jesus), no, sorry, cereal, ball, see, hot, sauce (applesauce), doll, shoes, and thank you.  

Sign Language:
Piper hasn't shown a whole lot of interest in signing but still enjoys watching Signing Time occasionally. Stephen and I have personally gotten very tired of Rachel. We sure wish Piper would take a interest in something else. A few signs that she has picked up are: hurt and shoes.

Piper still loves to read, either by herself or while someone reads to her. Unfortunately, our little monster loves to destroy her books. She sticks her little chubby fingers in that little gap between the binding and the books and rips it out. Darn girl! At this rate we're going to need a year supply of super glue.  I am constantly gluing her books back together.

For the longest time, Piper has been able to stand up straight under Stephen's desk. The day finally arrived when she was too tall. She still tries to stand under the desk and usually hits her head. Her new fascination.... the printer. If I accidentally leave it plugged in, she scans all kinds of things. Maybe she'll have a future job as a copy lady! Once scanning things becomes a bore, the only thing left to do is crawl on top of the printer. Our poor printer takes lots of abuse from Piper.

I now have an assistant to help me clean our apartment. Piper can pick up her toys and put them in her basket and even likes to throw her dirty diapers in the garbage. On the way there, she likes be sneaky and open the diapers. I think she likes those little sticky tabs on the diapers.

My assistant also enjoys closing the dishwasher, constantly, while I'm trying to put dishes in and hides the silverware in places only she knows. While I'm making dinner, she stands and my legs and repeats "see" over and over until I pick her up. Maybe she'll have a future job as a chef! 

There is no keeping Piper out of a room now. She's now tall enough to open and close doors all by herself. The only way to keep her out is by locking the door. Even then, she'll stand at the door talking to you and putting her hands underneath.

One of  Piper's all time favorite things to do....climb everything in sight. It doesn't matter if it has footholds or not, she'll climb it. She first learned how to climb into the rocking chair by stepping into the side pocket and from there climbing over the top of the arm rest. It was quite the process to watch her pull herself into the chair.

Up until a few weeks ago, she liked climbing on top of the toilet. She thought she was pretty special up there until she fell off and hit her head. Thankfully she hasn't tried to climb up there since then.  Maybe she'll have a future job as a rock climber!

One of Piper's favorite foods: cereal! Not the baby kind but the sugary goodness that if found in a giant bags in the pantry. She loves to open the door, plop herself down, and eat some cereal. It doesn't matter what kind it is, she'll eat it. Those little plastic zippers at the top of the bag are no problem for her.

Piper loves to laugh. She always finds something to laugh about, and usually in the most inconvenient times. Don''t you know that during church and Sunday school are the best times to do so? Most of the time I have no idea what she's laughing about. My brother once told me Piper has a laugh like mine. No more! This girl has a indescribable laugh but it sure brings a smile to my face every time I hear it.

Its never an option to be upset at Piper for too long. She gives the best cuddles and opened mouth kisses. She even makes a "Mmmmmm" noise while doing so.

Whatever Piper's future brings, we will always love this curly, brown haired, blue eyed, curious, laughing girl. No matter how old she grows, or how she changes, she will always be my baby.

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Crazy, Un-Crafty Lady

Since the beginning of August my life has revolved around all things craft related. The last 1 1/2 months have been crazy busy! Last December I was called to serve as the Relief Soceity 2nd counselor. I was astonished, sick, worried, and nervous for this calling. The majority of the ladies in my ward are older and have much more experience than my 26 years. I most definitely wasn't prepared for this calling and didn't want it. I felt much more comfortable playing the piano in Primary and didn't want this change. Unfortunately, that wasn't for me to decide.

As much as I didn't want the change, I am grateful for it. This calling has definitely pushed me outisde of my comfort zone. I've had to teach the women in my ward, conduct meetings, oversee a committee of women, and plan & organize activities. Every aspect of this calling has been hard for me. When I was first called, I wanted to cry and pull my hair out. I had no idea what I was doing. Thankfully over time things have gotten easier.

Every month, my committee and I plan a new activity. In August my sister started sharing craft ideas with me over Pinterest for our Relief Soceity craft night. I suddenly panicked and realized I needed to start gathering ideas and making crafts to advertsise. I was scared for this activity because I feel so uncrafty. I see people all over blogs, pinterest, etc. that create crafts galore. Heck, I'm lucky if I can even finish a craft from start to finish without losing interest.

As I gathered ideas, I drove Stephen crazy. As I gathered supplies, I drove Stephen crazy. As I started making the crafts, I drove Stephen crazy.  I was so grateful for his listening ear. I'm sure by the end of the week he wanted to remove his ears so he didn't have to hear me speak. My mind was running in craft mode 24/7. By the end of the week I felt like I had won the world's worst mom award. Piper was whiney and just wanted attention and I was grouchy and sick of running all over town with a screaming, I-want-to-touch-everything-in-sight-baby. I have never been so happy for a week to end!

After gathering all my ideas and revising those ideas a bajillion times. I came up with the crafts. During the week I worked on 4 of the crafts and handed the others over to people on my committee and in the presidency.

I sure am grateful for a loving, patient husband who helped me continuously throughout the week. I'm not sure what I did without him and his amazing help 5+ years ago. Throughout the past few weeks he has helped me design crafts with his incredible photoshop skills, cut and weed vinyl, and even gave me lots and lots of back rubs to combat those nasty headaches. He was my contstant support the whole time and never once complained. Did I mention he was more ready than I for craft night to be over? I could not have done it without Stephen!

Last week, was our Relief Society craft night. I'm now certain I need a year break from crafting.... or at least a few weeks! Goodbye stress. I now expect to have a goodnight sleep without any craft related nighmares.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Hawaiian Falls

Last month, a friend of mine texted me during the week to see if Piper and I wanted to go to Hawaiian Falls, a water park. She had a free ticket and wanted to know if I'd like it. My immediate reaction was no because Piper still needs both her morning and afternoon naps. Within the last few weeks, she's begun struggling to take both naps even though she's exhausted. After mulling it over and talking to Stephen about it, I figured she'd be fine with only one nap that day. I let my friend Alicia know we would be joining her on Friday after Piper's first nap.

On Friday morning I hoped and prayed Piper would take a good nap before we went to the water park. As we were walking out the door with Stephen, I heard the most dreaded noise ever. Lawnmowers!!! Which meant the complex lawn was being cut today and a million leaf blowers would be running  around. That meant a poor nap for Piper. My heart sunk but there was no backing out on our plans and Alicia.

Piper and I walked across the street to play at the park, then came back home for a nap. She only took a short 45 minute nap before the bad leaf blower came around, but I was extremely grateful for those short 45 minutes.

We finally arrived at Hawaiian Falls all lathered in sun blocked and with our bathing suits in tow. After finding Alicia and the kids we tried out the splash pad, which Piper didn't like. Then the lazy river, which Piper didn't like. Next was the kiddy pool with lots of slides, which Piper didn't like. I think she enjoyed running out of the water to dry land and holding onto the side of the kiddy pool better than anything.

At last, it was time to leave. While Alicia was collecting her kids, Piper found a stream of water with spraying water to play in. She had finally found her true love. Before we left, Piper found her second love, the wave pool. Every time the waves came, she giggled and laughed and trudged deeper into the water. Good thing I was there to hold her back! Right before we left, I changed Piper back into her street clothes. Even then she kept finding her way back to the wave pool. She was not ready to leave her new friend.

As we walked out of the park, Alicia told me she had 2 free pass for the next day if Stephen and I wanted them. On the drive home I called Stephen to see if he'd like to go. Of course he did!!! On the way home, Piper fell asleep in her carseat which never happens. Unfortunately, by the time I got her inside our apartment all thoughts of sleep were gone and she was ready to go again.

The next morning, we got Piper to sleep early and were ready to go by noon with our packed lunch. We met Alicia by the gate so she could get it us.

After lots of searching, we found a place to put all or our belongings and got Piper changed. We were ready to hit all the fun pools.

Piper had much more fun the second day. This time she loved the splash pad and didn't even mind that she kept getting hit in the face with buckets of water! Stephen found some big girl slides for Piper to go on. Each time Piper would close her eyes and once they were done, jump right out.  I'm not sure whether Piper or Stephen enjoyed it more.

We spent lots of time in the lazy river and were finally able to snag a tube right before we left. Every time we got in the lazy river Stephen told me how much more enjoyable it would be with a tube. Boy, was he right. Even though Piper was falling asleep on me in the tube, I wasn't ready to go. Thank goodness Piper has a good papa who pried me off that tube to get us home.

We had so much fun in the sun! It kind of makes me a little sad summer is leaving and Fall is right around the corner. Summer, we had fun but we are ready for some cooler weather. See you next year!!!

P.S. Summer, it sure would be nice if you could be a little cooler than 90+ next year. We sure would enjoy some lower temperatures! Thanks!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Bonding Moment

Since bringing our newborn baby home over a year ago, Piper and Stephen have shared a really special bonding moment every two weeks. At one point, Stephen accidentally cut Piper and felt so bad that he didn't want to do it anymore. No way was I letting him back out of this big responsibility so easily! I made him pick those clippers right back up and keep going because I was NOT going to do it.

Every two weeks it happens just like this: Stephen gets Piper a pillow for the floor, lays Piper on the floor, turns on Piper's favorite show, Signing Time, and the proceeds to cut her fingernails and toes. Yep, its pretty special moment!

I almost think Piper looks forward to her finger and toe nails being cut. She lays on the ground so still and very patiently waits, transitioning between watching her show and watching her nails get cut. Even when Stephen is done cutting her fingernails, she'll continue to hold her hand up for him.

By the end, she's loving it so much she cries when Stephen's done. Who knew someone could love getting their fingernails and toes cut so much?

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Labor Day Weekend

The week before Labor Day, I told Stephen he was going to get Monday off. He was so excited he didn't have to go to work. Before Piper came along, we most likely would have just sat around at home relaxing, but now I enjoy getting out with Piper rather than sit at home. Who wants to sit at home when we can do that any other day of the week! Stephen was nice enough to give in and follow us all over Arlington and Dallas.

On Saturday we decided to visit Toys r us. We had lots of fun looking around at all the toys. Mostly Piper liked walking around touching everything and pulling it off the shelves.

Upon browsing the shelves, we saw a Piper look alike sitting on a shelf. She looked so lifelike! We couldn't believe she was only $179.99. That's a steal of a deal, so of course we had to bring her home.

Right from the start, I should have realized that Stephen wasn't there to look at the toys. He only had his eyes on one thing, the box art. Minutes after entering the store, Stephen and Piper got separated from me and the cart. While aimlessly wandering, I found a giant Olaf and knew Piper would love it! I put my giant Olaf in my cart baby area and pushed him through the store. Yeah.....I felt a little funny and might have got a few funny looks but I was determined to get Olaf to Piper. I finally found them in the Lego section looking at boxes. Unfortunately, Piper wasn't as interested in Olaf as I thought and mostly wanted him out of her cart. So much for all that work!

Every isle we went down we, a.k.a Stephen, had to stop and look at all the box art. He even found several boxes with art he has worked on for his company. It's always so neat to see the work that he's done sitting on the shelf.

Next we found the bike area. We were so happy there were lots of bikes for Piper to test drive. She was a pro rolling all around the bike area. However, Stephen told us that we were not allowed to test drive the bikes throughout the store. I think he was just jealous he couldn't be pushed around like Piper.

After wandering in circles, we finally hit the jackpot! The car section. Piper hopped right up into the car and was ready to race away. That girl could have sat there forever. 

Of course, we couldn't try out only one car when there were a whole slew of other cars parked in the isle. We had to try out the princess mustang, a corvette, and a Mario Cart racing kart. By this time, Stephen had enough of our wandering and was ready to go.

I had other ideas though. On our way into toys r' us, I saw a Halloween store next door and had to see what was inside! Stephen was great to follow along with Piper and I. The Halloween store wasn't all that fun. There were lots of costumes and scary talking displays. I decided then and there that I only like the cute Halloween stuff not all the blood and gore, heads chopped off stuff. As I showed Piper the displays I got more scared then she did. This girl is not afraid of anything! Lucky girl must have gotten that non-scaring gene from Stephen.

On our way out of the store, we found the hats and wigs section and I couldn't resist trying a few on Piper. Stephen and I had lots of fun dressing up Piper in lots of hats!! Unfortunately I can't say the same for Piper. After trying hat after hat on she'd had enough.

On Monday, we decided to head to Dallas to check out the Dallas Zoo. Silly Stephen decided to wear pants that day. Before leaving I told him over and over that it was going to be hot outside. He was set on wearing those pants though. I think he forgets how hot it can get outside during the day. Minutes after getting out of the car, Stephen realized the error of his ways. Poor boy had to walk around hot, humid Dallas during the hottest time of the day wearing pants.

Our first stop was the merry-go-round. After standing in line with a billion other kids, we realized you had to have tickets to ride the merry-go-round. Yes, we are those people who don't realize that EVERYTHING extra costs extra at the zoo. A sweet lady saw us and walked over to give us her tickets for the merry-go-round as we were leaving.

Stephen was so excited to ride the merry-go-round! He gave Piper lots of pep talks to get her pumped up and ready to race that gorilla.

I think Stephen may have had more fun than Piper. She didn't show a whole lot of reaction during the whole thing. I can't blame her though. I most definitely wouldn't have wanted to spin around ten billion times.

Our next destination: the petting zoo and playground. The playground mostly consisted of some broken eggs and tunnels for the kids to climb through. No amount of enticing would get Piper through that tunnel. We couldn't even get her to go halfway. She kept trying to stand up and quickly realized it hurt as she hit her head every time.

The broken eggs turned out even worse. I had such photo dreams of getting the perfect picture of her sitting in that egg. Many, many years ago, my mom took a picture of me in a broken egg and I knew Piper had to have one of those perfect picture moments just like I did a long time ago. Unfortunately, Piper  and I were not on the same page. She screamed because she did NOT want in the egg and Stephen was grouchy that I was trying to take her picture while she was not having fun. So here's my perfect photo dream picture. Isn't it lovely?

It's probably a good thing Piper has a good dad to save her in times like these.  After the broken egg fiasco Stephen decided we were done with the eggs and tunnels. We were ready to see some real animals. What better way then the petting zoo.

Those little goats were so good just sit there while Piper patted them on the head. She mostly wanted to chase them around. Thank goodness for patient goats!

We found this horse looking thing with a saddle that we had to try out since we didn't get to see any horse like creatures. She made this mama proud by sitting in the saddle all by herself.

As we walked throughout the zoo, we would occasionally come across fans that were blowing water. They were amazing! I wish they would have had them every couple feet, or better yet, I wish they would have followed me throughout the zoo.

Throughout the day, we saw lots and lots of birds, farm animals, reptiles, safari animals, and lots of little creatures in between. I think the animals were just as hot as we were and didn't have a whole lot of energy.

Any time we saw an indoor building, we took our chance to get inside in the air conditioning for a few minutes. Ah, how I love me some AC! I most definitely could not live without it in Texas. Along the way, we found some puzzles. It only entertained Piper for a few seconds before she was ready to run again.

While wandering, we found a baby train that cost $2 per person. Stephen paid for the two of us to ride the train with Piper. So not worth the $2! Our train ride took us around a paved track that circled a weedy area with zero animals in sight. Most definitely not the best money spent but how were we to know we were going to pay to see weeds? Maybe our money is helping to pay keep that weedy grass area alive? Who knows!  

Our last pit stop was to see the Giants of Savannah animals. By this time, Piper and I were more than ready to go home. My feet ached and Piper was ornery and tired but Stephen was so gung ho about seeing them I hated to be a downer and complain about my feet. So off we went!

Before even seeing any animals we had to walk through this forever long, pointless tunnel. There were pictures all along the way of the animals we would be seeing. I was ready to point out that there was no need to continue on since we were already seeing the animals. Good thing we persisted otherwise, Piper might have missed out on riding her first ever elephant!

We were sure sad to send Stephen back to work on Tuesday. How we love 3 day weekends!