Saturday, September 6, 2014

Labor Day Weekend

The week before Labor Day, I told Stephen he was going to get Monday off. He was so excited he didn't have to go to work. Before Piper came along, we most likely would have just sat around at home relaxing, but now I enjoy getting out with Piper rather than sit at home. Who wants to sit at home when we can do that any other day of the week! Stephen was nice enough to give in and follow us all over Arlington and Dallas.

On Saturday we decided to visit Toys r us. We had lots of fun looking around at all the toys. Mostly Piper liked walking around touching everything and pulling it off the shelves.

Upon browsing the shelves, we saw a Piper look alike sitting on a shelf. She looked so lifelike! We couldn't believe she was only $179.99. That's a steal of a deal, so of course we had to bring her home.

Right from the start, I should have realized that Stephen wasn't there to look at the toys. He only had his eyes on one thing, the box art. Minutes after entering the store, Stephen and Piper got separated from me and the cart. While aimlessly wandering, I found a giant Olaf and knew Piper would love it! I put my giant Olaf in my cart baby area and pushed him through the store. Yeah.....I felt a little funny and might have got a few funny looks but I was determined to get Olaf to Piper. I finally found them in the Lego section looking at boxes. Unfortunately, Piper wasn't as interested in Olaf as I thought and mostly wanted him out of her cart. So much for all that work!

Every isle we went down we, a.k.a Stephen, had to stop and look at all the box art. He even found several boxes with art he has worked on for his company. It's always so neat to see the work that he's done sitting on the shelf.

Next we found the bike area. We were so happy there were lots of bikes for Piper to test drive. She was a pro rolling all around the bike area. However, Stephen told us that we were not allowed to test drive the bikes throughout the store. I think he was just jealous he couldn't be pushed around like Piper.

After wandering in circles, we finally hit the jackpot! The car section. Piper hopped right up into the car and was ready to race away. That girl could have sat there forever. 

Of course, we couldn't try out only one car when there were a whole slew of other cars parked in the isle. We had to try out the princess mustang, a corvette, and a Mario Cart racing kart. By this time, Stephen had enough of our wandering and was ready to go.

I had other ideas though. On our way into toys r' us, I saw a Halloween store next door and had to see what was inside! Stephen was great to follow along with Piper and I. The Halloween store wasn't all that fun. There were lots of costumes and scary talking displays. I decided then and there that I only like the cute Halloween stuff not all the blood and gore, heads chopped off stuff. As I showed Piper the displays I got more scared then she did. This girl is not afraid of anything! Lucky girl must have gotten that non-scaring gene from Stephen.

On our way out of the store, we found the hats and wigs section and I couldn't resist trying a few on Piper. Stephen and I had lots of fun dressing up Piper in lots of hats!! Unfortunately I can't say the same for Piper. After trying hat after hat on she'd had enough.

On Monday, we decided to head to Dallas to check out the Dallas Zoo. Silly Stephen decided to wear pants that day. Before leaving I told him over and over that it was going to be hot outside. He was set on wearing those pants though. I think he forgets how hot it can get outside during the day. Minutes after getting out of the car, Stephen realized the error of his ways. Poor boy had to walk around hot, humid Dallas during the hottest time of the day wearing pants.

Our first stop was the merry-go-round. After standing in line with a billion other kids, we realized you had to have tickets to ride the merry-go-round. Yes, we are those people who don't realize that EVERYTHING extra costs extra at the zoo. A sweet lady saw us and walked over to give us her tickets for the merry-go-round as we were leaving.

Stephen was so excited to ride the merry-go-round! He gave Piper lots of pep talks to get her pumped up and ready to race that gorilla.

I think Stephen may have had more fun than Piper. She didn't show a whole lot of reaction during the whole thing. I can't blame her though. I most definitely wouldn't have wanted to spin around ten billion times.

Our next destination: the petting zoo and playground. The playground mostly consisted of some broken eggs and tunnels for the kids to climb through. No amount of enticing would get Piper through that tunnel. We couldn't even get her to go halfway. She kept trying to stand up and quickly realized it hurt as she hit her head every time.

The broken eggs turned out even worse. I had such photo dreams of getting the perfect picture of her sitting in that egg. Many, many years ago, my mom took a picture of me in a broken egg and I knew Piper had to have one of those perfect picture moments just like I did a long time ago. Unfortunately, Piper  and I were not on the same page. She screamed because she did NOT want in the egg and Stephen was grouchy that I was trying to take her picture while she was not having fun. So here's my perfect photo dream picture. Isn't it lovely?

It's probably a good thing Piper has a good dad to save her in times like these.  After the broken egg fiasco Stephen decided we were done with the eggs and tunnels. We were ready to see some real animals. What better way then the petting zoo.

Those little goats were so good just sit there while Piper patted them on the head. She mostly wanted to chase them around. Thank goodness for patient goats!

We found this horse looking thing with a saddle that we had to try out since we didn't get to see any horse like creatures. She made this mama proud by sitting in the saddle all by herself.

As we walked throughout the zoo, we would occasionally come across fans that were blowing water. They were amazing! I wish they would have had them every couple feet, or better yet, I wish they would have followed me throughout the zoo.

Throughout the day, we saw lots and lots of birds, farm animals, reptiles, safari animals, and lots of little creatures in between. I think the animals were just as hot as we were and didn't have a whole lot of energy.

Any time we saw an indoor building, we took our chance to get inside in the air conditioning for a few minutes. Ah, how I love me some AC! I most definitely could not live without it in Texas. Along the way, we found some puzzles. It only entertained Piper for a few seconds before she was ready to run again.

While wandering, we found a baby train that cost $2 per person. Stephen paid for the two of us to ride the train with Piper. So not worth the $2! Our train ride took us around a paved track that circled a weedy area with zero animals in sight. Most definitely not the best money spent but how were we to know we were going to pay to see weeds? Maybe our money is helping to pay keep that weedy grass area alive? Who knows!  

Our last pit stop was to see the Giants of Savannah animals. By this time, Piper and I were more than ready to go home. My feet ached and Piper was ornery and tired but Stephen was so gung ho about seeing them I hated to be a downer and complain about my feet. So off we went!

Before even seeing any animals we had to walk through this forever long, pointless tunnel. There were pictures all along the way of the animals we would be seeing. I was ready to point out that there was no need to continue on since we were already seeing the animals. Good thing we persisted otherwise, Piper might have missed out on riding her first ever elephant!

We were sure sad to send Stephen back to work on Tuesday. How we love 3 day weekends!

1 comment:

Jen Gull said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun!