Monday, August 4, 2014

A Five Year Anniversary

On August 1, 2009, Stephen and were sealed in the Salt Lake City temple for time and all eternity. In our church, we believe that families can be together even after we die. I am so grateful for this knowledge!

This year, we celebrated our FIVE year anniversary! It seems like just yesterday we were walking out of those temple doors hand in hand ready to begin our adventure together. We were so in love and excited to be together. Our marriage, like any other, has hand its up and downs but I'm so glad to have my best friend by my side.

A few weeks ago, Stephen asked me if I wanted my anniversary present to be something that moved me or I moved it. Uh..... what? I said something that moved me. I figured he was getting me something to exercise with since he asked what my favorite workout machines were.

Last week a box arrived at our apartment. It was a big box but was super light. When it came through the door, it was pretty beat up and starting to tear along the seams. Piper is a climber and loves climbing on everything. She wanted to climb the box so I let her. I figured she couldn't hurt it that bad and sent a text and picture off to Stephen telling him his box had arrived.

While I was sending the picture, Piper pulled herself up on the box. She was so proud of herself! So naturally, I took another picture and sent it to Stephen.

When he saw the pictures, he immediately called me and told me to stop messing with the box and to get Piper off it. I put the box in the bathroom and closed the doors. Ten minutes later, Stephen arrived home to pick up his box and take it back to the office. He did not trust us with that box and was quite certain I peeked in it! Even though I promised I hadn't seen anything.

On Wednesday night, Stephen got a text from one of the project managers at work. She told him that there was a project that needed revisions done tomorrow morning and it had to be done by 8 a.m. pacific time. The revisions would take about 3 hours. That meant he had to be to the office by 5 a.m! Before going to bed that night, he got everything ready so he wouldn't wake Piper up.

The next day was a long one. We're always sad when we don't get to see Stephen much during the day, so we sent him our bedhead picture, told him we missed him, and wished him a good day.

In the afternoon, he told me it had been a long day but he was going to stay late at work for a figure drawing lesson. We didn't end up seeing him until 7:30 p.m! Piper and I were so happy to see him walk through that door! After dinner he asked if we could do anniversary gifts that night. I told him no. After begging and pleading, Stephen gave up.

Friday morning, our anniversary, Stephen popped right out of bed. He went outside and brought in the box he'd taken to work. He told me it was my present but there was another part of it outside in car that he needed help carrying in. He acted so disappointed I was going to see it so I told him to wrap it so I couldn't see it. He told me it was too big to wrap. I thought there were pictures on the box so I told him to just wrap the pictures. He told me no. I then told him I would close my eyes so I couldn't see the box. He told me that if I tried to carry the box and walk upstairs with my eyes closed I'd get hurt. The discussion ended and I walked outside to get the box out out of the car.

In our parking spot, where Stephen's car was supposed to be, was his parents car with a huge red bow on it. He bought me a car for our anniversary. My next thought was Stephen's parents were in town visiting! Nope. He flew to Arkansas, bought their car, and drove it home on Wednesday. All while he was supposed to be working. My next thought was, 'You went to Arkansas without me!'

Stephen constantly tells me about some of the crazy rounds of revisions they go through for jobs so I fell for his "I have to be to work at 5 a.m. lie." Wednesday he woke up at 4:45 a.m. and had a friend drive him the airport. He caught a flight to Houston, had a 2 hour layover, and then flew home to Arkansas. His parents picked him up, they filled out the paperwork, got paid, and he was on his way back to Texas. Whew! Talk about a lot of work all in one day. That boy sure does love me!!! 

It was the best surprise ever! I am so excited to have a car again. Ever since leaving Rexburg, 1 1/2 years ago, I've been without a car. Piper and I are ready to go on lots of adventures together!

Now, what did I get for Stephen? A lame-o lunchbox! Pretty sure this doesn't even come close to a car.

After Stephen left for work, Piper spent the morning playing with her long lost friend, boxie. It housed that giant red bows for the past week.

That night, Stephen and I dropped Piper off at a babysitters house. We went to dinner, walked around Barnes and Noble, and finished off the night playing miniature golf.

We were behind a huge family of non pro golfers, so of course we had to take a selfie to remember the eventful day while we waited.

We had lots of fun golfing and enjoying each others company. Stephen tried extremely hard to remember all the golfing tips Grandpa Cook gave him the last time he went golfing in Bear Lake. I'm not sure if it worked though.

I, however, don't proclaim to be a golfer. I've never had much luck trying to hit that tiny ball in a hole. I'm more of a bat and ball type girl. Yes, I am that miniature golfer that hits it into the bushes and places where it shouldn't go.

Luckily no one came out of that game with any injuries, except for the 3 mosquitoes that bit me! Those darn things must love me because Stephen only walked away with 1.

And, who was the miniature golf winner you ask? ME!!!! By a whole 2 points.

Oh how I love being married to Stephen! I'm so glad I get to be with him for eternity. Before I married him, I thought I loved him quite a bit. That love has grown so much stronger over the years. He is always so patient and giving. I couldn't ask for a better husband or best friend. I look forward to spending many, many more years with him by my side.

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