Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Day to Celebrate Fathers

Each year we celebrate motherhood and all our mother's do for us. Many mothers stay at home all day with the children while doing the cooking and cleaning.  Other mothers have to make a huge  sacrifice to leave there children at daycare while they go to work. I love that we are able to celebrate our mothers and grandmothers but I'm always grateful there is a day set aside to appreciate our Fathers. I think fatherhood is often overlooked. Some people don't feel father's play as big of a role as mothers, but I completely disagree.    

Each year as I celebrate Father's day, it helps me to look back and reflect on all the things my own father has done for me. It wasn't until the last few years that I've come to fully realized how much my dad has done for me. Having my own child has opened my eyes to the sacrifices my parents made for me and my siblings throughout the years.

Unfortunately, it took me moving away from home and going to college to help me see how much my parents do for me. As a brand spankin' new freshman going to BYU-Idaho, I had never been away from home. I was so homesick for my parents and siblings. Suddenly I had to do everything for myself with no one to count on. I had to clean up after myself, buy my own things, make my own meals, make sure I got to places on time, etc. At that moment, I realized how much I had taken my parents for granted.

My dad has always worked extremely hard to provide for my family. He would always leave for work way before sun rise. After a long day at work in the heat, he would come home and continue to work on cars, and keeping our house and yard tidy. My dad always supported me at my orchestra and choir concerts, piano recitals, softball games, and dance recitals. I know he had absolutely zero interest in any of these things but he was willing to make a sacrifice to show me how much he loved me. 

A few months ago, I was talking to my mom about all the activities my siblings and I were able to participate in as we grew up. She told me its expensive to have talented children. I'm grateful for all the money my dad worked to earn so that I could participate in different activities.

Between doing chores and odd jobs around the house and working for my grandpa, I was taught by my dad and grandpa's example to always be a hard worker even if the job wasn't fun.

My dad has always been super willing to help anyone out whether is convenient or not.  After I graduated from college and was living in Idaho, I started to have car problems. My job was 30 minutes away and I needed my car to get there. Since my dad is an amazing mechanic I called him  with my car troubles. After telling him my problem, my dad told me he would come and pick up my car the next day and exchange cars with me. My dad drove 4 1/2 hours just to come and help me out. He was far enough away that he could have just told me to figure it out on my own. Instead, he came when I needed his help. 

I love my dad's sense of humor. My mom says that you can always tell if he's lying by the twinkle in his eye. My dad thinks he the funniest thing in the world. Often times Stephen will tell me that I got my sense of humor from my dad. I like to think so.  I think I have the absolute best dad in the world! I couldn't ask for a better example in my life and I'm so grateful to call him mine!!!

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