Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Explorer Piper

I love watching how Piper interacts with things around her. The minute we walked into the house in Arkansas she was loving touching all the new objects around her.  One of her favorite toys, surprisingly, was the fireplace screen. She would scratch it with her nails then laugh and laugh, and do it again. This entertained herself for quite so time.

Throughout the Sitton’s house, there are stairs everywhere! There are stairs into the living room, stairs in the entryway, stairs to the office, and stairs going downstairs! We were a tad nervous to take Piper there because we knew we would have to keep a constant eye on her. She had a few falls but nothing too bad. By the time we were ready to leave, the little miss was ready to try out the full staircase.

As we were getting ready to leave for Arkansas, I washed and started packing Piper’s small booster chair/high chair. In the process of packing it, I got distracted and ended up forgetting the tray, which essentially ends up holding her in the chair. Without it she turns every directions and it makes it really hard to feed her. The only alternative was to use one Wally and Leilani had on hand. This nifty highchair was a lifesaver! She could still move around in it but at least we were able to sit her somewhere to eat.

When we first arrived at the house, Leilani pulled out a bunch of different toys for Piper to play with, among them was this mini rocking horse. It was so cute! Unfortunately Piper didn’t want a whole lot to do with it and didn’t act real excited to ride it. That is until she found out when you press the ear it makes a neighing nose. By the time we were getting ready to head home, they had a like relationship.

The other item Leilani pulled out was the mini rocking chair. It was the perfect size for Piper and had a little pillow to cushion her little bum. Granted, she couldn’t get into it by herself but she looked pretty darn cute rocking in it.

Throughout this trip I came to the realization she doesn't have to have 'toys' and books to keep her entertained. She loves finding things around her to play with and loves touching new things, even if it means putting dirty things in her mouth, like the gas key to the fireplace. This little miss keeps me on my feet!

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