Monday, May 19, 2014

An Arkansas Easter

Several weeks before Easter, Stephen’s parents called to invite us to their house for Easter. We were so excited! Unfortunately even though we only live 6 hours away, we don’t get the chance to see each other often. We sure wish they lived a tad bit closer so we could see them more frequently.

A few days before we left, we had some things to pick up from the store. Up to this point, whenever we’ve gone to the store I’ve taken Piper into the store in her car seat and she will sit in it the whole time. This girl is finally getting big enough that I hate carrying her in her car seat, so we decided to she was old enough for no car seat in the store. She seemed to enjoy being able to see everyone and everything.

But wouldn’t you know that she got sick just a few days before we were supposed go to Arkansas. After talking to my mom, she recommended I take Piper to the doctor just to make sure everything was ok. We got to the doctor and found out that she was getting an earache. While we were there, I also talked to him about the area around Piper’s mouth and her nose. The beginning of April, the area around Piper’s mouth started breaking out. I thought she was getting baby acne, but after that it turned really dry. Following that, it had an orange-ish tint. The doctor thought I was crazy!! He looked at me funny when I said her skin around her lips and nose had an orange tint.

This is the only photo I have to show what it looked like. The night this picture was taken, Stephen was helping the young women in our ward with a photo shoot. In between shots, the young women snagged a tiara, and Stephen snapped a picture of Princess Piper.

The doctor thought she might be allergic to something she ate, but his guess was as good as mine. We left the doctors office with a prescription for the earache. I have a love hate relationship with that medicine. It gives Piper the worst diaper rash and makes her have the runs. As a result, we did extra loads of laundry while in Arkansas and changed many blowouts.

I absolutely love Arkansas! Stephen’s parents, Wally and Leilani, live in a beautiful log home on Beaver Lake and its absolutely gorgeous. I love the openness and all the trees in Arkansas. It’s always a nice change from the city. It is so peaceful and calm there. Best of all they have no neighbors living on top of them. Can you tell I’m ready to be done with apartment living?

Friday morning we left for Arkansas. I was worried how Piper would do in the car for 6 hours. The last time we made the trip was when she was 5 months old. Overall, she did fairly well. She only slept for about 20-30 minutes both ways but was fairly content just hanging out in her car seat watching Signing Time and playing with toys. By the time we got there, we were all glad to get out of the car.
On Saturday, the Easter bunny came to visit us. The bad Easter bunny forgot the bag of goodies from Texas so we had to improvise from Leilani’s kitchen.

That afternoon we went on a boat ride. We didn’t think we were going to be able to go since we didn’t have a life jacket for Piper but Lelani was able find something that worked. I can’t say Piper loved the life jacket though. She was happy when standing, but the second she tried to sit down she was swallowed up inside the life jacket.

The little miss was ornery on the boat ride since she was missing her nap. We drove and drove and drove and got to see lots of the lake. Thank goodness there were lots of people to help keep Piper entertained and somewhat happy.

While driving around the lake, Piper loved crawling on the floor. We were grateful there was lots of room for her to move around. In fact, at one point she was so relaxed she just laid on the floor for several minutes.

While eating our picnic lunch of fried chicken, potato salad, and peanut butter brownies, we pulled off her life jacket and she was out immediately. She had a pretty good nap just sleeping in my lap.

On Monday before we left, we had to take a few minutes to play our favorite game, rummikub. Every time we visit Wally and Leilani, we have to at least play one game. Luckily, Piper slept while we played one hand. It seems like Stephen always wins. Somehow I think he cheats because no matter how hard we try he wins!

We sure enjoyed our time with family in Arkansas. Whenever I go on vacation, I think I have lots of time before I have to head home. Then before I know it, it’s the last day and we’re heading back home. I wish I could just freeze time when we’re with family. We sure love our family. Thanks for letting us come visit Wally and Leilani!!

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