Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Rude Awakening

Three weeks ago, Piper, Stephen, and I were woken up at 1:30 a.m. by a loud noise. I thought someone had hit the building. After Stephen put Piper back to sleep, he told me he thought a gun had gone off. Minutes later someone started banging on the door. Stephen found the police standing there knocking on our neighbors door. They asked him about our neighbor then told him to get back inside. There were bullet holes all around our neighbors doorway and the siding on the building had been shot.

The pictures don't do it justice. Later we found out the police had picked up 10 bullets. No one knows who the shooter was aiming for, but all the neighbors have their suspicions.

 The following week, we heard a loud bang and lots of people shouting outside. We looked out the window and saw a guy choking a girl. Stephen went outside to see what was going on. After talking to some guy, he found out the boyfriend was choking his girlfriend. After trying to stop the fight, Stephen called the police. By the time they got here, the couple and their friends had split.

These two incidents sure don't make us feel as safe as we used to. We live in a gated apartment complex, but in reality the gate is just an illusion of safety. Last week, two of the apartment tenants in our apartment hallway moved out and the other was evicted. We're hoping with the evicted tenants gone we'll see a lot less action around here. Stephen and I are ready to say goodbye to this apartment!

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